Wednesday, October 20, 2004

All the world is waiting for the Sun

I've got 10 minutes until I'm meeting L and C for lunch. . .so that means quick typing. I sent a massive email to the family yesterday with a detailed account of my life for the past few weeks, so I'll make this brief (and less daunting).

This morning could be compared to sorting socks (speaking of which, I have none b/c, that's right, you guessed it, my roommates take them!!! All of the nice ones that mom bought me for Christmas!). I did a lot of mental organization and set everything straight with my teachers. I feel that all is not lost and I shall be victorious this semester after all!

It's so rainy here right now, but I'm still planning a trip to Colorado this weekend. I need some help on deciding what to be for Halloween:

1) leprachan (I know I spelled that wrong)
2) a piligamist
3) a snow leopard (curtosey of Jo-- she sewed it last year)
4) Velma from Scooby doo

I had the weirdest dream last night. I was at the "Presidential Convention" (I made it up) and everyone was screaming and holding signs. They were announcing who the next president would be and I was so nervous. There was a big map of the US and the states would light up with who one. Then they announced that John Kerry would be our next president and I felt sick to my stomach. . .like it was the end of the world. And that was it.


Blogger j:) said...

Yo, that sucks about your socks. I am once again accumulating new socks from the gym. I hate paying to do laundry. About halloween, I think we should decide what we're doing and if it's going to be cold then be the snow leopard but if it's not then you should be a leprechaun. Nice dream. I take it you're not going to vote for Kerry.

2:04 PM  

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