Friday, October 15, 2004

Eternal Sunshine of the Clouded Mind

It's Friday. You all already know that. I can't believe that I am already nealry half-way through this semester. What is time doing moving on without telling anyone??!

This morning started off wonderfully (just how I like it, of course). I met Catherine at the gym (Lindsey was sleep-deprived and couldn't make it) so we swam a mile (I am a sore little-mermaid), showered and left for Gandolfo's. This is a little bagel joint that makes a sweet breakfast sandwhich, so I grabbed my coupon and we went before class. A little event that brought me back to the days of seminary-- completely awake by 7:30, sitting with a sister and grubbing on warm food.

SO, after later this morning I recived a surprise package from Zak-attack (my tribute to old Lego commercials). He sent me the FUNNIEST vintage t-shirt that he found in Alabama. It says: "Gayle Hatch weight lifting Team" and it has a really goofy graphic. I thought it was hillarious. I thought mom would think that was funny.

It looks like I'm working in reverse, so I guess that means I should head behind me. Actually, this week has been pretty uneventful. Wake up, walk around, look at new things, looks at familiar things, have real conversations with people I know, have fake conversations with people I surface-know, read new things, read the same old stuff over and over and over again. Then, clean my room (a daily event) and head off to bed.

Despite my routine, I drink good water, smile often and find that I am still moved to build a bit more of myself today. This morning when I looked at Orion as I balanced on my bike wheels, trying to deny my natural tendency for early-morning uncoordination, I remembered my mornings a year ago when I would wake up in Tetonia, run with the dogs down the gravel road and say 'what's up' to the Grand, Owen, Middle and South. Good-morning everyone!


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