Thursday, January 18, 2007

The West Face

This is the zenith of my academic semesters. Yesterday I spent hours with Cadavers. Today I will go and do the same. . . and I enjoy it. Right now I am memorizing the names and parts of every vertebra, process and foramen. This afternoon I went to my first french horn lesson. I was in the basment of the Arts building and I felt like I was walking through a maze of stages, velvet cushions and ropes. My teacher comes up to about my chest. I played a french horn for the first time in years today and I was informed that I'll be playing in a recital at the end of the semester. Wowzers. My finance class has inspired me to record every cent I spend and make, open a savings account (I can't believe I didn't have one) and spend a significant ammount of time each day meditating on the time value of money (okay. . . that was a lie). My spanish literature class is interesting, albeit the stories we read are a bit on the morbid side.

Last weekend I ran a half-marathon. Lindsey and I ran it down in St. George. It was surprisingly easy (granted my pace was so slow I was hardly breathing heavy until the last two miles).

Tomorrow Brian invited me and 40 others to go to this cabin in the woods. I'll be back to report on that on Sunday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

whoa angela!! you are eally all over the place on that campus!!! i have been WONDERING what ever happened to the instigator of all these bloggers i tune into every day. have fun at that cabin, and dont think about money too long. its dangerous....but good luck with that horn.

10:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wowzers angela. You are soo well rounded, anatomy, music, outdoors, culture...I love it. I'll admit I'm a little tired of being around "Idahoans" and I don't mean all of my friends up here but all the narrow minded hunters and some of the people I deal with at work. Good job with the 1/2 marathon. I haven't ran in probably 2 months (I know, suprise surprise). Well, keep up dating your blog, it gets me excited about doing things and gives me hope that there still are well rounded, educated, fun yet spiritual people out there.

10:19 AM  
Blogger Randy Row said...

I thought you were talking about your job at the MTC and I thought, "that's not very nice to say."

4:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's weird, but I totally thought I had commented on this post a couple days ago. I must be losing my mind or something...anyway, (I hate typing 'anyway') I'll be in UT possibly sometime towards the end of this coming May for a few days. Maybe, somehow the Universe will find a way for us to get together. You and your dead bodies and half-marathons--I'm telling you--your life is X.CITING! (oh gosh I'm a dork)
p.s. pleeeaaase switch to beta

12:56 PM  
Blogger Matt said...

You know that the narrow minded accountant read blindly though all of the excitement and interesting things you said only to focus on the tiny section where you mentioned finance and particularly a saving's account. If you want, I can hook you up with 25$ and a savings account that gets 4.5 APY.

12:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're enjoying the anatomy class! Isn't the body the most miraculous organism ever? I think it's awesome that you're picking up the french horn again... you'll have to play for the next Christmas Eve program :)

ps: I love you, Layla!

3:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of moola... I went to this finance fireside last weekend and they talked about the "Late factor" (that one thing that one always unnecessarily spends money on over a consistent basis and the amount of $ it accumulates to, the amount you could earn if you invested it instead) have you learned about that yet? I thought it was interesting... I think my Late Factor at BYU was definitely earnestly chocolate!!!
ps: sorry that was a realy long past!

3:06 PM  

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