Monday, November 08, 2004

my karma ran over your dogma. . . ugh

I am trying to write my religion paper, and for some reason this is harder than any paper I've ever written. Trying to search religion on the internet has proved near impossible since religion is so subjective. Everyone has thier own "unauthorized" opinion on pretty much everything from Allah to Kami. But procrastination is not on the agenda since I am going on a feild trip tomorrow and the next day with my Careers class (we get to go out to eat twice and stay at Aspen Grove Family Camp).

This weekend was pretty uneventful. I had fun on Friday with Cath and Curtis-- we rented a movie (Chariots of Fire), talked and played guitar. The next day I had to wake up early to volunteer with the Boy Scout Pow Wow . . . I thought I would be directing people where to go in the hallway, but instead I taught 50 boy-scouts about Crime Prevention (surprise! your the teacher, Angela!)-- it acutally went pretty well. I told them the stories about seeing people get beat-up, the psuedo-school shooting and "getting harrassed". We role-played and then discussed how to prevent crime in your neighborhood.

I have to say though, that my favorite day was Sunday. I had a great day. I felt so good!! Cath and Lindsey were over with Mary and we sang hymns while playing the guitar, went to eat a big dinner at Megan's farm house (home cookin') and then went back to our place.


Blogger j:) said...

I'm glad to hear you had a happy weekend. good luck with your paper. A lot of the stuff that happened this weekend reminded me of stuff we've done. miss you!

4:43 PM  

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