Friday, January 14, 2005

signed: "Publius"

I am reading the Federalist Papers. I had two impressions. First of all, I am very impressed that general population was so educated. These essays were written (by Hamilton, Jay and Madison) for the persuasion of the citizens of NY to believe in self-government. So much thought was put into creating a new government, and they addressed problems from so many angles. It made me wonder how our language evolved over the past 200 years or so. Second, I was caught up in thinking about James Madison and the contribution he made to our country at such a young age; he was a little older than me! What a progressive thinker! If I lived back then I would probably like to date him (or would that be courting?) Anyway. . . it made for interesting reading.

I just finished a book on the Amish people yesterday as well. Most of my romantic ideas about the Amish had already dissolved when I watched the documentary film "Devils Playground" that I saw last year about Rumspringa, so the book didn't come as much of surprise. It did have a few good quotes in it, but the woman who wrote it thought too highly of herself (she was not amish).

It's raining today. I haven't seen rain in a long time! I am going to the Spanish movie/pizza night with Emmanuel tonight. Vamos a practicar mi espanol con amigos latino (that' s totally wrong. I bet Randy, Cath, Sarah and Deener are all shaking their heads right now).


Blogger Randy Row said...

Federalist papers, huh? That reminds me of a Poli-sci overnighter we had at badger creek and I gave a presentation on the Federalist papers-- I am a crap public speaker...anyway, that reminds me-- can you bring my 9/11 commission report when you come? no big deal, I just remember you had it. Anyway, yesterday I got a few free tix to the "best of" (drama I think??)for the 1st of Feb. for Sundance. Will that day work for you guys? I hope so.

9:01 AM  
Blogger Fern said...

I had two impressions reading your blog. First, I very much doubt that with all the hulabaloo and everyone holding everyone else responsible for their own lack of intellegence or personal drive to acheive, our current general public knows what The Federalist Papers are, let alone be able to grasp their meaning. Second, I am curious to know myself how Madison would perceive our current interpretations of the goverment (Maybe when you two start dating you could ask him for me?)
Anyway...way to go reading two books at once. I used to try that, but one always seemed to get left by the wayside. Lately I enjoy devouring them in one gigantic analitical gulp! YUM!
I was wondering (if you've got any spare time when you're in UT, and if you're allowed to) if you'd like to go cross country skiing one afternoon? "I'm missing you like Candy" -Mandy Moore

11:07 AM  
Blogger j:) said...

angela: what are your plans for when you come out? By the way I think it's cool that you read up about people and cultures and stuff. I like to hear about it but for some reason I never read books so it's nice to get the info from another source. BFF

9:34 PM  

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