Monday, January 10, 2005

The year of the Hermana

The origin of the New Years resolution:

Yesterday in church we received a bit of a history lesson that I thought was pretty interesting. New Years resolutions date back about 3000 years (before the Christian Era) . Janus, a mythological Roman god, represented the new year. He had two faces-- one that faced forward and the other faced behind him. Janus represented being able to see the past (and past mistakes) while looking forward to the future. . . Romans believed that he represented their desire to change from the past while looking forward to a new year of development. Thus we get resolutions and January.

The revolution of my resolutions:

I found both of my resolution lists in my "Gustav Klimt" mini-notebook. Both times I was in the airplane with Catherine somewhere over middle america and starting a new college semester. Both times I resolved to "lose weight (an overall tone up job as well), get good grades, and read my scriptures intensly and scrupulously. " This year I want to avoid the usual New Year's "wish list" and actually make goals that are attainable and worthwhile. Also, the nature of my mission has sort of taken the routine out of this years goals. I'm not too worried about triathlons or scripture reading. . . if you know what I mean.

SO, here we go. . . New Year's 2005-- I don't think I've ever had such a good idea about what I'll be doing every single day. . . but at the same time absolutely NO idea about what I'll be doing every single day:

*Obedience-- I want to follow the rules and do what I am supposed to. For once in my life I'm hoping that I'll realize that the rules DO in fact apply to me.
*Control my appetites-- afterall, we are the only species designed with the ability to do this. I want to master myself and discipline my thoughts, my emotions and my stomach.
*Write in my journal daily-- I don't want to forget anything and I know if I don't write it down I will DEFINITELY forget it.
*Continually correspond-- write back to those that write me.
*Don't "seek the honors of man" -- I hope that my motivation for being a good missionary won't become the praise of others. I don't want to need reassurace from my Mission Pres. or elders/sisters to know that I'm doing my best.
*Optimista! -- good attitude and overall optimism for my life this year


Blogger Randy Row said...

Hey! I hope you do read those scriptures intensely but also scrupulously (scrutinously?)...because I have a hard time imagining someone reading their scriptures in an unscrupulous manner! okay, talk to you later!

3:17 PM  
Blogger j:) said...

annie-j-la, well well well, fancy meeting you here. That stuff about new years resolutions was cool. Yours sound good to me. Especially the continually correspond one. I can't wait to see ya!

10:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Excellent goals. You'll do great, I am sure of it. Don't worry too much about it all. Right now it probably feels a little bit like you are about to jump off a cliff and someone you trust has told you there's a bridge there, but you can't see it and you just have to trust that they've told you the truth.
Well, there is a bridge there. A nice, sturdy one. You'll be an awesome missionary. Just don't ever forget to ENJOY it. (There will be moments when you'll remember that advice and be grateful.)
Here's my best mission advice: The 4 most important lessons to learn on the mission:
1.) Faith - in Christ, in yourself, in your leaders, in your message, and in your investigators.
2.) Repentance - do it every day. Teach others to do it. And you'll really get to know and understand the atonement in a very different way.
3.) Baptism - It's what you're there for. There are people waiting for you. Be patient, but don't waste time or feel bad if someone rejects you. There are those that are just waiting for Sister Hatch to find them.
4.) Gift of the Holy Ghost - First learn to recognize it, understand it, and follow it and trust it, then teach others to do the same.

That's it! Happy convert hunting!


8:39 PM  

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