Friday, December 17, 2004


Yesterday at 2pm Angela Hatch arrived home and immediately checked the mail. The key turned and her eyes, wide with excited anticipation, went as blank as the gray empty mailbox she was looking into. She thought in the back of her head Perhaps the mailman hasn't come yet, but tried not to get too excited.

Catherine, the curly-haired-mission-loving-spanish-speaking-older sister, arrived at Southridge as the mailman was sorting the mail (Hatch inside at this point), Catherine notices large envelope and hastily asks, "is that a mission call?" Luckily, mailman was from Provo and understanding strange mormon lingo replied: "Why, yes it is."

Obviously Catherine brought in call, and knowing that she couldn't just hand it to Hatch, placed it on the stove and then told Hatch that "You're cookin' something weird on the stove." Ignoring this strange comment (happens a lot), Catherine in her persistance asked Hatch again-- to check the strange thing that was cookin' on the stove. Hatch glanced at the stove to realize that Catherine was indeed right! There, on the stove was a large white evelope (Hatch at this point was thrilled substance was not actually "cookin" as Cath had said). In shock, both sisters began to cry. Realizing the stupidity of crying before opening call, both sisters tried to stop-- but efforts proved fruitless.

Third sister must be found. Hatch and Cath (along with boyfriend Curtis) went to find Lindz, the color-coded-brunette-bombshell younger sis, dutifully studying at the BYU library. Luckily, Hatch found her after silent pleading prayer. "where should we go?" everyone wanted to know. "To Fern's apartment!" Hatch replied. "We will open it outside!

Alas, the group gathered on the grass (all of the girls at this point were spastically jumping and screaming, dangling their cameras from their wrists and giving short hugs). Call was ripped open and Hatch immediately found where it said:


Shouts rang out! Cheers and tears exploded (heck, I think angels might have even started singing) as everyone jumped, hugged and photographed moment. Cath told Hatch to read entire call, so Hatch followed. Suddenly cheers rang out again! Hatch was going to LA:


Cheers all around! Hugs! Lindz, Fern, Hatch and Cath engaged in jumping, hugging happy session. "Spanish speaking, LA? Amazing!" "How perfect! How fitting!" "I can't believe it! I am so excited!"

Hatch will, of course, accept the call and report to MTC February 2, (8 days prior to 22 birthday), to learn to teach gospel and speak spanish language for 9 weeks. Hatch could not be more genuinely happy and excited with call (must admit thankful call did not read 'temple square--worried at estrogen level of mission-- although would have happily gone anywhere assigned). Hatch expresses embarrassment and sorrow for not contacting friends sooner.

OKAY: I justed wanted to let everyone know (in first person), that I am so excited to go the LA, Spanish speaking! there is only one LA mission, which covers the whole "downtown" area and suberbs to the west (ie: Beverly Hills, Ranch Palos Verdes-- yes, ryan lives there, Hollywood etc). I talked to this guy yesterday who said his friend served there and loved it. . . apparently there are a lot of hispanics who live in LA and there is a lot of work for me to do. YES! And I think the warm weather will definitely be a plus! Thanks everyone, for your support-- YOU'RE WONDERFUL!


Blogger Mary Grace said...

OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!! ANGLEA!!! I AM SOO EXCITED FOR YOU!! AHHHH holy cow that is awesome! nad thats so funny- you KNEW you were going to california!! thats so crazy!! hahaha wow. thats cool. congrats!!! i love you!
youre going to have a blast!~!!

6:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ang! Good to hear that you got your call. I'd love to hear about it. When are you coming home?

4:34 PM  
Blogger Randy Row said...

Hey-- congrats again. A million sorries that we couldn't touch base before I had to shove off to the great white north. On the subject-- you are going to be perfect for that mission and you already know spanish, so you're all set! Hopefully you'll use that provo airline ticket and we can chill again- later.

11:35 AM  

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